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Kick Ass Caramels

Sisters, Best Friends, and Our Journey Through
Caramel Hell

If you have never tried to make caramel yourself, allow us to paint a picture for you: Imagine trying to pull teeth from a shark… a hungry, angry shark… that is also on fire… and you have to pull the teeth using jello. Figure that one out.

That is what it is like trying to make caramel. One degree over, or under temperature, and you can kiss that succulent smelling hot mess goodbye. After some shed tears, and choice words, we brush ourselves off and start all over again.

As you can imagine, it took hours, upon hours in the kitchen trying to perfect the recipe. After all of the hard work, dedication, and not to mention all of the burns from the hot caramels (it’s not a joke people. We risk our lives to bring you these candies….. WORTH IT.) we have finally ended up with the recipe that we all know and love.

We here in the Kick Ass Kitchen love to experiment with new flavours and ideas. So keep your eye out, and keep coming back! If you have a flavour that you would like to see, please let us know. Don’t keep all of your wonderful ideas to yourself! Please share it with us. If we end up loving your idea, (and lets be honest, we probably will. You’re a fu**ing genius) we’ll make it! Nothing is off limits. contact us with your ideas, and we’ll get cooking!